Legal entities are entities that are identified by name and unique numbers assigned by the authority that approves their establishment (Trade Register).
Although some time ago the name of the company was not an essential criterion for identification (since there is no centralized system at the level of Romania for records of names) so that the same name could be registered in different counties, in the presentation of the reservation and the allocation of the name of the company no longer . it can be done if there is an identical name or with enough similarities to create confusion between two names.
The method of reserving and allocating the company name is done through a computerized system, the software rejecting the reservation of the requested name if it identifies identical or similar names already reserved.
On the other hand, the trademark represents the optional and distinctive name under which a person carries out his activity. In this way, products or services under the registered trademark are distinguished on the market from other similar products and services, usually suggesting the guarantee of certain qualities or certain characteristics that confer added value compared to similar ones.
Trademark registration is done at the Romanian authority, at the local level (Romanian Office for Inventions and Trademarks – OSIM) or at the authorities with powers to register and protect trademarks in several countries (EUIPO) or around the world (WIPO).