Romania will become the largest gas producer in Europe

With the decline of the volumes exploited by the Netherlands, and the authorities and the private sector must work together to take advantage of the unprecedented opportunity that has been created with the resettlement of energy priorities.

We have to make sure that the rest of Europe understands that Romania can play an essential role on the continent in these complicated times, when all countries are looking for gas sources. In order to achieve this result, we must all work together to ensure that it will happen.” The statement was made by Eric Stab, president and CEO of Engie Romania, at the ZF Power Summit 2023 conference.

The Ministry of Energy showed confidence in Romania’s position, and the Secretary of State George-Sergiu Niculescu believes that both the public and private sectors have a historic opportunity in front of them, based also on the amount of funds available through PNRR and through The Modernization Fund.

“The certain amounts that will go into the projects are: 457 million euros from PNRR, 475 million euros from contracts signed by the ministry with Transelectrica and, in addition, 550 million euros will come from the Modernization Fund, through the self-consumption scheme, from the one for self-consumption for commercial companies, another 500 million euros, and from the one for energy production from renewable sources for commercial companies, also 500 million euros”, explained the state secretary.

While both the investors and the authorities discuss the investment appetite and the hundreds or thousands of megawatts that are being prepared for the local energy system, the operator Transelectrica found that many of the investment plans never get past the project stage. “Everyone says they want to invest, but in reality they don’t settle. In wind power Romania has a capacity of 13,014 MW for over two years, nothing has been installed in wind power. In photovoltaics, we started last year with 1,357 MW, we reached 1,390 MW and now we have a little more than the capacity of nuclear, i.e. 1,419 MW”, emphasized Gabriel Andronache, the general director of Transelectrica.

Romania’s potential can also be seen from Brussels, and Europe hopes that it will be exploited by the end of the decade, in a context where the energy transition and the move away from Russian fuels create new needs and new markets.

At the end of this decade, it would be good for Romania to be no longer just a country of potential, but a country with capitalized potential. I think it is very possible for this to happen if the investments that have been proposed so far are actually started, bearing in mind that they are not yet sufficient. The private sector must also be attracted and a framework must be created to allow it to invest alongside public funds“, explained Tudor Constantinescu, senior advisor to the director general for energy within the European Commission.


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The main management structure of the company in Romania is the general meeting of associates / shareholders. The constitutive act establishes the rules for convening and adopting decisions and whether the exercise of the vote can be delegated by special mandate by the associate / shareholder who cannot take part in the meeting. In the limited liability company, each shareholder entitles the holder to one vote in the respective meeting. The general meeting of associates has the following main obligations: ✓ to approve the annual financial statement and to establish the distribution of the net profit. ✓ to appoint the administrators and the censors, to revoke / dismiss them and to discharge them, as well as to decide to contract the financial audit, when it is not obligatory, according to the law; ✓ to decide the pursuit of the administrators and censors for the damages caused to the company, designating also the person in charge to exercise it; ✓ to modify the constitutive act.
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The limited liability company is the most common form of company in Romania, being the legal entity that best serves the interests of investors both from the point of view of the reliability of the activity, and from the perspective of its management. The limited liability company is abbreviated "SRL" in Romania and is the equivalent of the American limited liability company Limited Liability Company (abbreviated to LLC) or the German economic structure "Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung" (abbreviated to GmbH), or the structure called "limited" , the structure used in most Latin American states.
The limited liability company is characterized by:
✓ the character intuitu personae, which means that this economic structure is based on the trust between the associates;
✓ the division of the share capital into fractions called shares, which cannot be negotiable securities;
✓ the liability of the associates is limited to their contribution to the share capital.
The limited liability company may also have a single partner, natural or legal person, of Romanian or foreign nationality, who will be the owner of all shares. Instead, the maximum number of associates is 50 people.
At present, the Romanian law no longer conditions the subscription and payment of a certain amount as share capital.
Through registration, the company acquires legal personality, becoming, under the law, a collective subject of law. The conclusion given by the judge is sent, ex officio, to the Official Gazette of Romania for publication at the expense of the company and to the Financial Administration in whose territorial area is the main headquarters of the company for fiscal registration, mentioning the registration number in the Trade Register .

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